Date Published: 4 October 2018
Author: Amit Dhume.
Mr Amit Dhume from CNPLaw LLP (“CNP”), formally known as Colin Ng & Partners LLP, provided insights on Singapore’s passage of new Variable Capital Companies (VCC) Bill to the Singapore Business Review (“SBR”) recently. He highlighted that the VCC Bill is an extremely positive development for the fund management industry in Singapore and also spoke about how it would provide fund managers with greater operational efficiencies, that will further strengthen Singapore’s position as an attractive wealth management jurisdiction. He also mentioned that CNP has already started receiving queries from foreign fund managers who are interested in the proposed VCC structure and are contemplating having a presence in Singapore so that they can manage funds that would be VCCs.
Amit co-heads CNP’s Funds and Financial Services practice and works closely with fund managers to assist them to establish funds and fund management companies and offers the funds in various jurisdictions. He has received the Singapore’s 70 most influential lawyers aged 40 and under-recognition by SBR in 2016.
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